Whiteleaf Construction is a trusted building partner, delivering exceptional construction services. With years of experience, we are committed to quality craftsmanship and exceeding client expectations.

WHITELEAF Enterprises Limited provides the following range of high quality products and services;

Building and Civil Works

Your company have been great at keeping me in work, they always line something else up.

Mechanical Works

Your company have been great at keeping me in work, they always line something else up.

Supply of labour

Your company have been great at keeping me in work, they always line something else up.

General Consultancy

Your company have been great at keeping me in work, they always line something else up.

Why Choose Us ?

There are a number of reasons clients choose us, among them being dedicated to collaborating with them to bring their dreams to life. More reasons:

  • We Are Creative Team
  • Honest and Dependable
  • Quality Commitment
  • We Are Always Improving
21MProject Valaution
20+Projects Done
8+Years of experience
Whiteleaf Construction Zambia limited
Whiteleaf Construction Zambia limited

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